KEGG   Nonlabens marinus

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T numberT09770
NameNonlabens marinus S1-08
CategoryType strain
TaxonomyTAX: 1454201
    LineageBacteria; Bacteroidota; Flavobacteriia; Flavobacteriales; Flavobacteriaceae; Nonlabens
BriteKEGG organisms [BR:br08601]
KEGG organisms in the NCBI taxonomy [BR:br08610]
KEGG organisms in taxonomic ranks [BR:br08611]
Data sourceGenBank (Assembly: GCA_000831385.1 Chromosome)
BioProject: 241505
CommentIsolated from a surface seawater sample collected from the northwestern Pacific Ocean (30 deg 11 min N, 145 deg 05 min E) on February 9, 2010.
    SequenceGB: AP014548
StatisticsNumber of nucleotides: 2915920
Number of protein genes: 2790
Number of RNA genes: 42
ReferencePMID: 24706784
    AuthorsYoshizawa S, Kumagai Y, Kim H, Ogura Y, Hayashi T, Iwasaki W, DeLong EF, Kogure K
    TitleFunctional characterization of flavobacteria rhodopsins reveals a unique class of light-driven chloride pump in bacteria.
    JournalProc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111:6732-7 (2014)
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1403051111