Genome Analysis Tools API

This is a brief specification document for the REST-style GenomeNet Tools API.

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KEGG OC (Ortholog Cluster) search


oc - returns a list of gene IDs and hierarchical cluster IDs in an OC, or a list of OCs with matching query keywords

URL form<query>[/<params>]

<query> = <dbentry> | <keywords> | version_list
<dbentry> = KEGG OC/GENES entry ID
<keywords> = Query keywords that may include KEGG ORTHOLOGY/MODULE ID
<params> = <param>[/<params>]
<param> = org=KEGG organism code | version=KEGG OC version


The parameter "org" is only available for a keyword search


/oc/OC.295946    retrieves the ortholog cluster
/oc/hsa:362    retrieves the ortholog cluster containing the gene entry
/oc/hsa:362/version=2013-03-19    retrieves the ortholog cluster containing the gene entry from the older version
/oc/pyruvate dehydrogenase    retrieves a list of ortholog clusters containing the keywords
/oc/K04517    retrieves a list of ortholog clusters containing the KO entry
/oc/M00170    retrieves a list of ortholog clusters related to the KEGG MODULE entry
/oc/M00170/org=hsa    retrieves a list of ortholog clusters containing human genes
/oc/version_list    retrieves a list of available versions of KEGG OC

See also

OC viewer help page

Last updated: October 2, 2013