Alxa virus

Scientific NameAlxa virus [TAX:2847047]
LineageViruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Negarnaviricota; Polyploviricotina; Ellioviricetes; Bunyavirales; Arenaviridae; Mammarenavirus; Mammarenavirus alashanense
Baltimore GroupssRNA(+/-)
Genome TypeSegmented
Alxa virus isolate RtDs-AreV-IM2014 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L) and Z protein (Z) genes, complete cds.
Alxa virus isolate RtDs-AreV-IM2014 nucleocapsid protein (NP) gene, partial cds; and glycoprotein precursor (GPC) gene, complete cds.

Known hosts (1)
Scientific Name root [TAX:1] This viral genome is acquired from environmental sample(s).
Sample Type Organismal associated (Dipodidae [TAX:30648])
Evidence Literature
   Reference PMID: 29559618
      Authors Wu Z, Du J, Lu L, Yang L, Dong J, Sun L, Zhu Y, Liu Q, Jin Q
      Title Detection of Hantaviruses and Arenaviruzses in three-toed jerboas from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China.
      Journal Emerg Microbes Infect. 2018 Mar 21;7(1):35.