Upload sequence

  • Input FASTA should include genomic nucleotide sequences (up to 300 sequences).
  • 2 or more sequences should be uploaded. (When only 2 sequences are uploaded, tree is not made.)
  • Each sequence should be no longer than 20 million nucleotides and no shorter than 100 nucleotides.
  • Sequence IDs are recommended to be within 30 characters. If longer than that, the first 30 characters will be used.
  • Alphabets, digits, and special characters (dots, hyphens, and underscores) can be used as sequence ID. The other characters will be replaced with underscores.
  • If sequence ID begins or ends with special characters (i.e. non-alphabets and non-digits), the characters will be truncated.
  • If you want to upload and compare multi-contig genomes, try ReCCO (beta version) to rearrange and concatenate the contigs.
  • Email address is used to announce URL of results when all computation ends.

  • When prodigal is used for gene prediction, the computation is performed for each sequence separately.
  • If a sequence is short (<20,000 nucleotides), it runs in the 'meta' mode, due to the length limit set by the software. Otherwise, it runs in the 'single' mode.
  • For short sequences run in the 'meta' mode, the gene coding table is fixed to '11', even if the alternative code is selected below, since the 'meta' mode always uses the '11' table.